Javascript/JSON code output issue -

in below code snippet can understand servlet getallusers getting called , servlet code json object being returned. please correct me if wrong. writer in below code mean output gets printed? thanks.

(ext.cmd.derive("",, {     model: "amgui.model.usernamemodel",     constructor: function(a) {         var b = this;         = || {};         b.callparent([ext.apply({             autoload: true,             autodestroy: true,             storeid: "userstore",             proxy: {                 type: "ajax",                 url: "getallusers",                 reader: {                     type: "json",                     root: "userlist"                 },                 writer: {                     type: "json",                     root: "users",                     writeallfields: true                 }             }         }, a)])     } } 


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