amazon web services - Sample javascript browser code for uploading multiple files into AWS S3 -

i have searched topic didn't luck. have tried following:

$.each(uploadingdata.files, function(key, value) {     file = value;     var params = {         key: 'content-upload-development/' +,         contenttype: file.type,         body: file     };     bucket.upload(params).on('httpuploadprogress', function(evt){         console.log(1);         var percent = parseint((evt.loaded * 100) /;         var signedformdata = null;         console.log(percent);         $(document).trigger("amazonstatusupdateevent", ["uploading",, percent, signedformdata]);     }).send(function(err, data) {         var signedformdata = {};         console.log('error is: ' + err);         //signedformdata.fileurl = data.location;         signedformdata.filesize = "400m";         $( document ).trigger( "amazonstatusupdateevent", [ "completed",, 100, signedformdata ] );      });     if(counter == 0) {         file = value;     }     counter++; }); 

but doesn't seem work - not sure why, behaviour seems bit strange. event triggering doesn't seem pop well.

i wondering: using loop call bucket.upload() right approach handle this? or there way of doing this?


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