typescript - Lost in asynchronous function. Aways get undefinned -

sorry english. can't head around asynchronous programming! need update node call stoken of user wich variable useraux2. no matter how try undefineed. have read every question , tried many diferrents ways, don't know how set useraux2 = return snapshot.key; (wich btw, snapshot prints ok in console).

i hope can me, don't know else do!


  async loginuser(newemail: string, newpassword: string, company: string): firebase.promise<any> {      var useraux2: string;      await this.getcurrentuserid(newemail, company).then((useraux) => {        useraux2 = useraux;      });           console.log('useraux2 ==============>>>> ' + useraux2); //this 1 undefinned        await this.updatetoken(useraux2, company).then(() => {        return this.afauth.auth.signinwithemailandpassword(newemail, newpassword);         });     }    // id of single user    async getcurrentuserid(email: string, company: string): promise<any>{      var ref = this.db.database.ref(`companies/${company}`);      ref.child("users")      .orderbychild("semail")      .equalto(email)      .on("child_added", function(snapshot) {          console.log('snapshot.key = ' + snapshot.key);           return snapshot.key;      });   }       async updatetoken(useraux: string, company: string){      var token1: string;      token1 = 'hola';            var tokendata = {            stoken: token1          };            console.log('useraux = -------------- ' + useraux);            var updates = {};            updates['/companies/' + company + '/users/' + useraux] = tokendata;              return this.db.database.ref().update(updates);             }


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