javascript - Search for an element and it parents in object -

i have object

      $scope.categories = [     {         value: 'one',         id: 1,         childs: [           {             value: 'two',             id : 2,             childs: [               {                 value: 'three',                 id: 3               },               {                 value: 'four',                 id: 4                          }             ]           },           {             value: 'five',             id: 5           },           {             value: 'six',             id: 6,             childs: [               {                  value: 'seven',                 id: 7               },               {                 value: 'eight',                 id: 8               }             ]                   }         ]       },       {         value: 'nine',         id: 9       }     ];  

how can element , parents if know id? use angularjs, doesn't me solve task think...

use function flat array:

function flat(o, parent) {   let res = []   o.foreach(child => {     child.parent = parent     res.push(child)     if (child.childs) {       array.prototype.push.apply(res, flat(child.childs,     }   })    return res } 


let categories = [     {         value: 'one',         id: 1,         childs: [           {             value: 'two',             id : 2,             childs: [ /* ... */ ]           },           /* ... */         ]     ];  let flat_categories = flat(categories) 


array[9]: [   {      value: 'one',      id: 1,      childs: [/*...*/],      parent: undefined   }, {      value: 'two',      id: 2,      childs: [/*...*/],      parent: 1   },    ... ] 

you can easy find id , parent


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