c# - Webbrowser when navigate Download dialog opened -

program.cs code

static void main()     {         checkhwid();         application.enablevisualstyles();         application.setcompatibletextrenderingdefault(false);         var lgn = new form2();         lgn.formclosed += new formclosedeventhandler(formclosed);         lgn.show();         application.run();     }     static void formclosed(object sender, formclosedeventargs e)     {         ((form)sender).formclosed -= formclosed;         if (application.openforms.count == 0) application.exitthread();         else application.openforms[0].formclosed += formclosed;     } 

program.cs , form 2 -> form1(webbrowser)

      form1 fr = new form1();         fr.show();         this.close(); 



when navigate browser open download websource dialog don't know why happened


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