c# - Icon color remains blue on IOS toolbar xamarin.forms -

i have used red icon on toolbar , still remains in color blue it's default. how can change color red. because icon's color red. how can tackle please.

below image :

enter image description here

and xaml code :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <contentpage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"      xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml"      icon ="nav_icon.png"    title="ea "      x:class="eamobiledirectory.masterpage">      <stacklayout>         <image   source="featured_newline_1.png"  margin="0,1,0,0"/>         <listview x:name="listview"   margin="0,10,0,0" verticaloptions="fillandexpand" separatorvisibility="none">                 <listview.itemtemplate>                     <datatemplate>                         <imagecell text="{binding title}" imagesource="{binding iconsource}" />                     </datatemplate>                 </listview.itemtemplate>         </listview>     </stacklayout> </contentpage> 

i have changed appdelegate.cs file according @steven below code changed:

[register("appdelegate")]     public partial class appdelegate : global::xamarin.forms.platform.ios.formsapplicationdelegate     {         public override bool finishedlaunching(uiapplication app, nsdictionary options)         {             global::xamarin.forms.forms.init();              loadapplication(new app());             uitoolbar.appearance.tintcolor = uicolor.red;             uitoolbar.appearance.bartintcolor = uicolor.green;              return base.finishedlaunching(app, options);         }     } 

this due tintcolor property taking on over ios. enables provide images in every color want , using tintcolor can color them in color. change try adding lines in appdelegate.cs:

uinavigationbar.appearance.tintcolor = uicolor.red; 

this style icons each uinavigationbar in app.


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