c# - Getting an Exception "AccessViolationException was unhandled" in Native C++ -

hi working in visual studio 2013 1 solution has c# , c++ projects. c++ written in both managed , unmanaged code.

i getting exception while loading image file ui , flow of code explained below:

ui (c# code) shall call --> c++ (managed) shall call --> c++ (native/unmanaged code) , getting exception here.

i feel marshaling may solve issue.. can suggest how can sort exception?

given code snippet of flow call stack flow c# manged c++ , native c++:

i_engine.dll!ccadinterface::setside(int side) line 275  c++  i_engine.dll!ardimport::read(char* filename)  line 82   c++ [external code]   i_engine.dll!i_cut::i_engine::getcurvefile(system::string^ filename, filetypeenum filetype, system::string^ mappingname, visiondatabasic* pvisiondata, system::string^& errortext) line 1178 + 0x45 bytes   c++ 

i_engine.dll!i_cut::i_engine::createvisiondata(system::windows::forms::form^ parent, i_cut::jobproducer^ jobproducer, i_cut::pmwrapper^ pm, bool creatingpreview) line 517 + 0x57 bytes c++

i_engine.dll!i_cut::i_engine::createopenfilepreview(system::string^ filename, int width, int height) line 937 + 0xf bytes   c++ i_cut.exe!i_cut.nesting.controllers.nestingjobpreviewcontroller<i_cut.nesting.views.inestinglayoutcanvas>.drawimage(i_cut.model.job.job job, system.drawing.size previewimagesize) line 114 + 0x33 bytes    c# 


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