angular - ionic2 not sending post data -
following function in auth.service.ts calling 1 of pages..
import { injectable } '@angular/core'; import { http, headers } '@angular/http'; import { storage } '@ionic/storage'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; @injectable() export class authservice { public token: any; constructor(public http: http, public storage: storage) { } login(credentials){ return new promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(credentials); let headers = new headers(); headers.append('content-type', 'application/json');'', json.stringify(credentials), {headers: headers}) .subscribe(res => { let data = res.json(); this.token = data.token;'token', data.token); resolve(data); resolve(res.json()); }, (err) => { reject(err); }); }); } }
the above login function called doesn't send data. in console console.log(credentials) prints before post request.
{email: "sugumar", password: "123456"}
but in network tab in browser, don't see data sent server.
and in the server printing using
it prints null in network tab in browser
i see following error in console
xmlhttprequest cannot load request header field access-control-allow-origin not allowed access-control-allow-headers in preflight response.
so added following lines in php
header("access-control-allow-origin: *"); header("access-control-allow-credentials: true "); header("access-control-allow-methods: options, get, post"); header("access-control-allow-headers: content-type, depth, user-agent, x-file-size, x-requested-with, if-modified-since, x-file-name, cache-control");
but still same problem
try using requestoptions
instead of sending header object directly
import { http, headers, requestoptions } '@angular/http'; public login = () => { return new promise((resolve, reject) => { let headers = new headers({'content-type', 'application/json'}); // took off append cause way, there's no need remove it. let options = new requestoptions({headers: headers});'', json.stringify(credentials), options) .subscribe(res => { let data = res.json(); this.token = data.token;'token', data.token); // why resolve twice? it'll first resolve resolve(data); resolve(res.json()); }, (err) => { reject(err); }); }); }
the requestoptions
module create options based on fetch spec requisitions, maybe passing headers object making fail or missing provided request option.
hope helps.
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