python - celery logging in django -

i have gone through lot of questions regarding on so, of questions missing parameters or implementation methods. so, i'm not able debug this.

my simple requirement want log all(django , celery) messages single file. logging dict in

logging = {     'version': 1,     'disable_existing_loggers': false,     'formatters': {         'standard': {             'format': '%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(funcname)s() ] %(name)s: %(message)s'         },     },     'handlers': {         'default': {             'level': 'info',             'formatter': 'standard',             'class': 'logging.handlers.timedrotatingfilehandler',             'filename': 'logger.log',             'when': 'midnight',             'interval': 1         }     },     'loggers': {         '': {             'handlers': ['default'],             'level': 'info',             'propagate': false         }     } } celeryd_hijack_root_logger = false 

then have defined function:

@shared_task def tester():     import logging"log this!!") 

tester() writing log file.

tester.delay() not writing log file.

what missing in simple thing?

if want define default log level, use root key in logging dict:

... 'root': {     'handlers': ['default'],     'level': 'debug' }, 'loggers': {...} .... 

in theory, '' loggers's key should work, haven't seen in while , know @ least in 1 projects didn't work expected.



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