python - Importing Bootstrap SCSS into a Django project -

my question relates latest bootstrap 4.x release (beta)

i import css cdn via

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-/y6pd6fv/vv2hjna6t+vslu6fwyxjcftcephbnj0lyafsxtsjbbfadjzaleqsn6m" crossorigin="anonymous"> <script src="" integrity="sha384-h0abixch4zdo7tp9hkz4tshbi047nrkglo3sejag45jxxngifyzk4si90rdiqnm1" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 

do assume correctly, in custom scss, can not access variables of bootstrap (because it's compiled css, not scss)? tried change $spacer: 1rem !default; , didn't work.

css has no variables, exist in scss. these variables substituted values during compilation. yes, need download bootstrap's scss sources , compile them alongside own scss files.

a common way of accomplishing use webpack - regardless of backend technology. tool based on node.js (so have install well) allows manage static assets, including installation of js , css libs; es6 es5, less , scss css compilation; bundling; minification , on.

each activity requires plugin. it's rather difficult webpack working desired first time, common web development tool worth learning. can configure webpack both download , compile bootstrap.


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