c# - Narrator. Scan mode. For TextBlock the narrator reads the Text properties twice -

i have textblock dynamic data (timer). text property updated once per second.

the narrator (not always) reads text twice in scan mode, because have 2 properties text: text , automationproperty.name. tried write data directly text block textblock.text = text; (not binding) , change different parameters automatonproperties, didn't help.


<textblock text="{x:bind text, mode=oneway}"/> 


private string _text; public string text {     { return _text; }     set     {         _text = value;         onpropertychanged("text");     } } 

how correctly adjust textblock narrator in scan mode read once?

do know when narrator reading textblock?

maybe can stop text update while narrator reading text , continue when narrator stop reading. can fix problem.

do know when narrator starts reading textblock?

you can stop text update 2 seconds example. can fix problem.

is textblock recreation every second lot of impact?

you can create new textblock every second. maybe can change behavior of narrator.


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