How to move file from Windows local machine to Linux remote server -

i'm new working remote server. trying file copied local machine (windows 10) ubuntu server. i'm using ssh putty.

what try this:
scp d:\user\desktop\test.txt username@server:home

i :

ssh: not resolve hostname d: name or service not known

so tried couple of other things such as:

scp desktop/test.txt username@server:home 

which returns:

desktop/test.txt: no such file or directory

of course, there existing text file test.txt in desktop.

i have feeling can't work out how format windows path...

assuming d drive installed windows on syntax be

scp d:\users\yourusername\desktop\test.txt username@remoteserver:~/desktop/test.txt

the backslash windows path okay, use forward slashes ssh remote server path

if have private key can connect remote server can provide -i flag

scp -i ~/.ssh/privatekey.pem d:\users\yourusername\desktop\test.txt username@remoteserver:~/desktop/test.txt

the standard port ssh server 22 if port provide -p flag e.g. -p 2222

double check if remote host reachable e.g. use nmap or zenmap , port open. luck.

ps: there putty secure copy program available through pscp utility. can launch separately putty in command prompt

the syntax forward slash local windows folder e.g.

pscp c:/music.mp3 ubuntu@


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