javascript - Example of three.js KeyframeTrack with smoothing (cubic interpolation) -

i looking clarity on how implement smoothing (a.k.a. cubic interpolation) on three.js animation keyframetrack. testing, parsing interpolation method in keyframetrack constructor insufficient.

var position = new three.vectorkeyframetrack(     '.position',     [0, 1],     [         plane.position.x,         plane.position.y,         plane.position.z,         1.25 * plane.position.x,         1.25 * plane.position.y,         1.25 * plane.position.z     ],     three.interpolatesmooth ); position.createinterpolant();  var clip = new three.animationclip('action', 3, [     position ]);  that.mixer = new three.animationmixer(plane);  var action = that.mixer.clipaction(clip); action.setloop(three.looponce); action.startat(0);                // delay in seconds action.clampwhenfinished = true;; 


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