tsql - How to use case clause in where condition using SQL Server? -

hi going filter 1 query in sql server. getting error thing

incorrect syntax near '='.

i have 1 table. in table store 2 column 1 socialtype , 2 isfuser this. want filter on 2 column.my filter param all,instagram,isfuser. need select want data. after select instagram instagramusers. this.

here query.

declare @filter nvarchar(max) = 'instagram' select * users  isdeleted = 0 , @filter =  case  when @filter = 'instagram' socialtype  when @filter = 'isfuser' (isfuser = 1) else  @filter = 'all'  (1 = 1) end 

this query want apply filter how can have no idea. getting error.

you expand condition to:

declare @filter nvarchar(max) = 'instagram';  select *  users  isdeleted = 0    , (         (@filter = 'instagram' , socialtype = 'instagram')         or         (@filter = 'isfuser' , ifuser = 1)         or          @filter = 'all'       ); 


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