Vapor client close stream -
app upload through interface server, server , upload picture storage space.i know method not best if there ways thank share
code this:
with main.swift
let config = try config() try config.addprovider(postgresqlprovider.provider.self) let drop = try droplet(config) let flecrl = filecontroller(); flecrl.addroutest(drop: drop); drop.resource("files", flecrl);
with filecontroller.swift
final class filecontroller: resourcerepresentable{ var drop:droplet?; public func addroutest(drop: droplet) -> void { self.drop = drop; let d = drop.grouped("file");"updatefile", handler: updatefile) } func updatefile(req:request) throws -> responserepresentable { let picname =["name"]?.string ?? string(); let bytes:[uint8] = (["data"]?.bytes)!; let request = request(,uri:""); let t = "image/\(picname)"; let token =["token"]?.bytes; request.formdata = [ "token":field(name:"token",filename:nil,part:part(headers:[:], body: token!)), "file":field(name:"file",filename:t,part:part(headers:["content-type": ""],body:bytes)), "key":field(name:"key",filename:t,part:part(headers:[:],body:t.bytes)) ] let resp = try self.drop?.client.respond(to: request); return resp?.data["info"]?.string; } }
with client
let data = try data.init(contentsof: url.init(string: "video.m3u8")!); alamofire.upload(multipartformdata: { (multipartformdata) in multipartformdata.append(data!, withname: "data", filename: "video", mimetype:"application/x-mpegurl") multipartformdata.append("videoname".data(using: .utf8)!, withname: "name") }, to: "") { (encodingresult) in switch encodingresult { case .success(let upload, _, _): upload.responsejson { response in debugprint(response) } case .failure(let encodingerror): print(encodingerror) } }
the server console reported follows
[stream error: stream closed] [identifier: transport.streamerror.closed]
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