My Ajax in select2 is not working in rails app. -

no error, results won't appear when key in ones exist in database. what's happening? help

slim file

  1. select box = select_tag "groups", nil, id: 'power-search', class: "select-example", multiple: true


    ajax: {       url: "/groups",       datatype: 'json',       delay: 250,       data: function (params) {         return {           q: params.term, // search term           page:         };       },       processresults: function (data, params) {         // parse results format expected select2         // since using custom formatting functions not need         // alter remote json data, except indicate infinite         // scrolling can used = || 1;          return {           results: data.items,           pagination: {             more: ( * 30) < data.total_count           }         };       },        cache: true      },x    }); 


respond_to :html, :json    def index     @groups = group.all     render json: @groups   end 


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