wso2esb - WSO2-How to load CSV file on a SharePoint folder? FTP or SharePoint Connector? -

i want upload csv file on sharepoint folder. csv file downloaded url @ run time. sharepoint not ftp server,i planning use sharepoint connector.

in document create file within folder operation has below elements.

<sharepoint.createfilewithinfolder>     <foldername>{$ctx:foldername}</foldername>     <filename>{$ctx:filename}</filename>     <filecontent>{$ctx:filecontent}</filecontent>     <overwrite>{$ctx:overwrite}</overwrite> </sharepoint.createfilewithinfolder> 

below example have given

{    "apiurl":"",   "overwrite":"true",   "foldername":"/document",   "filename":"file.json",   "filecontent":"{\"a\":\"b\"}",   "accesstoken":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",   "blocking":"true" } 

has used sharepoint connector's createfilewithinfolder operation? in file content should pass actual file content? csv file has thousands of rows.

thank you. :)

you can achieve requirement using file connector along sharepoint connector. can refer [1] idea use file connector using fileread operation, read content of file , use content purpose.

in sample, read file, content , set content in property. use property future use.

<>      <source>{$ctx:source}</source>      <contenttype>{$ctx:contenttype}</contenttype>      <filepattern>{$ctx:filepattern}</filepattern>     </>     <enrich>      <source type="body" clone="true" />      <target type="property" property="mailcontent" />     </enrich>     <log level="custom">      <property name="!!!!!!!!! filereadcontent !!!!!!!!!!!!" expression="get-property('mailcontent')" />     </log>   



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