c# - No matching bindings are available in multi layer architecture -

i development multi layer architecture , use ninject di container. how config bindngs in layers? ui > module > service / process > data / file layers try this:

public class configblog : ninjectmodule {     public override void load()     {         this.bind<iblogsystemdata>().to<blogsystemdata>();      } } 

blog config in service layer

public class configmodule : ninjectmodule {     public override void load()     {         this.bind<iblogpostquery>().to<blogpostquery>();         this.bind<iblogpostanswerquery>().to<blogpostanswerquery>();     } } 

config module confg blog service

//kernel.bind<dbcontext>().to<applicationdbcontext>().inrequestscope(); //kernel.bind<iforumsystemdata>().to<forumsystemdata>(); //kernel.bind<iforumpostquery>().to<forumpostquery>(); //kernel.bind<iforumpost>().to<forumpost>(); //kernel.bind<iforumpostanswer>().to<forumpostanswer>(); //var modules = new list<ininjectmodule> //{ //     new configblog(), //     new configcompany(), //     new configdemo(), //     new configevent(), //     new configforum(), //     new configgroup(), //     new configmarketing(), //     new configpage(), //     new configpolicy(), //     new configproduct(), //     new configsolution(), //     new configuser(), //}; //kernel.load(modules); 

in ui layer.


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