Where are a JavaScript's class' instance methods stored? -

this question has answer here:


var car = class car{     drive() {}     park(){} } 

given car, how can find methods class has, ie "drive" , "park" ? have thought on


it's true


returns method ,

car.prototype.hasownproperty("drive") => true 


for(let prop_name in car.prototype){     console.log(prop_name) } 

prints nothing.

the property not enumerable (car.prototype.propertyisenumerable("drive") === false), therefore doesn't show it. see mdn.

the for...in statement iterates on enumerable properties of object, in original insertion order

otherwise correct, function on prototype.

note not , instance method. instance method exists once per instance, name implies. can generate instance methods e.g. with

class car {   constructor() {     this.instancefunc = () => {};   } } 

note here explicitly new car().instancefunc !== new car().instancefunc


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