How to add response headers to data-urls by Chrome.webRequest -

i according chrome.webrequest want change data-urls responseheaders.but can't capture data request in chrome.webrequest.onheadersreceived.

am wrong ?

chrome.webrequest.onbeforerequest.addlistener(   function (details) {     const url = details.url      if(url == '') {       return {         redirecturl: 'data:application/json; charset=utf-8,' +  json.stringify({"a":1, "b": 2})       }     }      return {cancel: false}    },   {urls: ["<all_urls>"]},   ["blocking"] )  chrome.webrequest.onheadersreceived.addlistener(   function (details) {     console.log(details)  // can't capture data-urls      return {responseheaders:details.responseheaders};   },   {urls: ["<all_urls>"]},   ["responseheaders","blocking"] ) 

you can't capture data: urls webrequest api, since data: not supported scheme host permissions.

as such, <all_urls> permission/filter won't events data:

documentation quote:

the webrequest api exposes requests extension has permission see, given host permissions. moreover, following schemes accessible: http://, https://, ftp://, file://, ws:// (since chrome 58), wss:// (since chrome 58), or chrome-extension://.

i'm pretty sure there's feature request this, can't find it.


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