symfony - How to deal with 3 form on the same page? -

i have page 3 forms , independent (the user can complete 0, 1, 2 or 3) :

  • the first asks phone number if user wants called;
  • the second same if user wants contacted sms;
  • the third used if user want add commentary

what best way handle situation?

should repeat code 3 times in controller?

public function mypageaction(request $request) {   // first 1   $form = $this->createformbuilder()     ->add...     ->getform();    $form->handlerequest($request);    if ($form->issubmitted() && $form->isvalid() ) {     // code   }    // second 1   $form2 = $this->createformbuilder()     ->add...     ->getform();    $form2->handlerequest($request);    if ($form2->issubmitted() && $form2->isvalid() ) {     // code   }    // third 1   $form3 = $this->createformbuilder()     ->add...     ->getform();    $form3->handlerequest($request);    if ($form3->issubmitted() && $form3->isvalid() ) {     // code   } } 

and in twig :

i have modal first 1 = user clicks , modal form pops up:

{{ form_start(form) }} {{ form_widget(form) }} {{ form_end(form) }} 

same one, other modal :

{{ form_start(form2) }} {{ form_widget(form2) }} {{ form_end(form2) }} 

the third 1 @ bottom of page :

{{ form_start(form3) }} {{ form_widget(form3) }} {{ form_end(form3) }} 

i think it's lot of code , repeat myself much, can "optimize"? fact first , second form same, can "regroup" them in one? can create "phonetype" form have no other choice call twice in controller?

sorry if there lot of question here, can summarize maybe : what best practice handle multiple form on same page? (in controller , view)

i see following ways of achieving target:

  1. use compound forms (embed form within global form),
  2. try using multi-step form, see:
  3. dynamically modify forms using events:

but why cannot embed fields in 1 form? splitting 3 fields shooting bee using cannon. recommend using third method because easiest one.


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